Investment Programme helps organisations ignite long-term partnerships, reach new audiences, connect with communities, support business solutions, and deliver world-class arts and culture. Through Investment Programme we make amazing happen.
What is Investment Programme?
The Arts & Business NI Investment Programme is a competitive match-fund, which supports partnerships between arts organisations and commercial businesses in Northern Ireland.
Who can Apply?
All applications must be new or existing partnerships between an arts/cultural organisation and a business in Northern Ireland. This fund is open to both A&BNI members and non-members. Please refer to our supporting guidelines for full eligibility criteria before completing an application.
What do we Fund?
We help partners build sustainable long-term relationships and achieve more. An investment from this programme should allow the partnership to develop, undertake additional activity or push their project to another level. We can award up to £15,000 match-funding to the lead arts partner in a financial year; a partnership can receive investment a maximum of 2 times. A full breakdown of eligibility, investment limits and exclusions can be found in our guidelines below.
How to Apply?
Both partners should complete the application and budget form. We open submissions for this fund 5 times a year and the deadlines are as follows;
This is a competitive application process, assessed by a panel of judges convened by Arts & Business NI. We will notify both successful and unsuccessful applicants of the outcomes. Arts & Business NI Investment Programme is funded by Arts Council Northern Ireland. For more info contact
“The opportunity that the Investment Programme offers is invaluable as it promotes a culture of arts sponsorship within the business community and acts as a vehicle for support for arts organisations to enable aspirations around special projects and bespoke programmes to come to life.”
Arts & Business NI is generously supported by The Arts Council of Northern Ireland.