Events and Training

Fundraising Connections

Fundraising Connections

Date & Time: Quarterly event,  10am - 12pm
Our next fundraising connections takes place on 27 March
Cost: A&B NI Arts Members: Free/ Non-Members £4.56 (inc vat)
Location: The Black Box Belfast 
Book your Spot Here 

This is a peer led, networking and information session for our anyone working in arts or charity fundraising to collaborate by sharing ideas, resources, fundraising tips, successes, losses, potential funders and more. We will also be able to share upcoming funding/grant opportunities, fundraising events, training and other resources on different aspects of fundraising. 

Trust And Foundations Symposium

Trust And Foundations Symposium

When: Thurs 6 Feb, 10am - 4.45pm
Where: The Crescent Arts Centre, Belfast 
Full Day Tickets- A&BNI Members: £30+VAT
Full Day Tickets- Non-Members: £40+ VAT
Plenary Only Tickets: £15+VAT
Book Your Spot Here (Tickets On sale from 9th Jan)

Our annual Symposium, which over the years has facilitated hundreds one-to-one funding surgeries, helping to generate substantial amounts of money and support for the Cultural Sector in Northern Ireland. This year attendees will hear directly from the Foundations on their funding priorities, gain an insight into the decision process, and receive top tips for applications. The plenary session will once again be followed by one-to-one surgeries with the Trusts and Foundations.

Our Funders & Partners

Arts & Business NI is generously supported by The Arts Council of Northern Ireland.